hosted on neocities 2024-2025, made and coded with hatred and agony.
hello, and welcome to my bighater website. this site serves no meaning but to just exist on neocities.
the person behind this website is just someone who likes to surf other peoples website for the fun of it. i simply do not care about anything that is outside of this world. i say whatever i want and if you don't like what i say, then cope and cry about it. i do not have time to abide by the rules people made on the internet. because as stated, i just simply do not fucking care.
i follow sites i like, sites i find to be very resourceful and well...cute sites. if you want to follow me cool. want to unfollow me? i'm also cool with that. i didn't come here to make a site to gain views and followers. follow to unfollow, that's your choice.
there will be times where i comment on your site profile, chatbox and/or guestbook. you don't care? cool. that's okay with me.
its fun time! here are a few things that urks the living shit out of me on neocities. agree to disagree, that's your choice.
- carrd on neocities! this has got to be the biggest urk i have on here. why are you here? go back to carrd. the only creative attribute you have is using graphics to deco your layout. who cares about dnis? who cares about byf?
- code theft! (copying is an act of love). if a website has this manifesto on their site, do with it however you want. but if a website doesn't have that and they have a specific area of text that says DO NOT STEAL MY CODE! on their site and/or on their code says it on there too, don't take their code. its literally quite that simple yet some of you couldn't care less about the hard work people do to code their site. if this apllies to you, then you're just a huge piece of shit. also, using that manifesto as an excuse to steal code is so shitty.
- site spams! IYKYK! neocities has a huge major problem about spam sites. its like they simply do not care about bots making websites for spam. neocities has got to do a better job a moderating their host site. its why so many peole come and go so fast.
- the social aspects on neocities. this is something that urks me too. idk, makes me feel like neocities is becoming like a social media kinda vibe. people care too much about how much views and followers they have.
yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap